Naming Things is Hard

It is a well-known fact, and it only makes it harder when it is your brand. So I thought I'd take you through the process we used to come up with our name.

It's a well-known fact, and it only makes it harder when it's your brand. So I thought I’d take you through the process we used to come up with our name.

We’ve gone through a couple of names, we started as Granary Web Development, which was around for a short time.

Then Thnkr came along, we all fell in love, unfortunately after some time it was decided that Thnkr wouldn't work for us, so we decided to rebrand again.

We're a small agency with a lot of work on, so we didn't want to spend loads of time renaming ourselves, which we could well have done. In the same vein we didn't want to go through this process again, so it was important to get it done quickly, but also get something we where really happy with.

Firstly a quick brainstorming session with everybody in the team, where we chatted about our opinions, what we liked, what we didn’t like. So we all had a rough idea. We agreed that getting a sensible URL and being able to register ourselves as an company was important.

After we all had an idea of the ‘ground rules’, we opened up a Google Doc and spent half an hour throwing names in.

Naming an agency is a bit like naming a baby, everybody has an opinion, but nobody wants to tell you until it’s too late. We had to find a group of trusted friends and family to poll on if we had made the right opinion.

We decided that our new name gave us the option to diversify into other markets, while also was the only name we actually all agreed on. Best of all... nobody hated it, which is all you can really ask for when naming something.

Long story short, we are now Space Between.

With love,
Space Between Team